BAOOT Conducts Training Courses on Ozone Therapy

BAOOT successfully conducted its fourth training course for the certification of ozone therapists according to the adopted August 2022 program and training plan. The course was held in two separate modules – the first theoretical in two days 15-16 March 2024 and the second practical in two days 11-12 May 2024 with passing a written test for issuing a certificate. 11 colleagues took part – 5 doctors and 6 medical specialists. The theoretical module was held at Kortex Medical Centre Sofia by Dr. Georgi Petreshkovski. The practical module was held at Oxylife Medical Centre by Prof. Krassimir Shelev. Certificates of passing the exam were given to 9 people, new members of the association and ozone therapists, bringing the total number of association members to 103.
To be expected enrollment dates for a new training course to be announced soon in the fall and winter of 2024.

Training Courses, Sofia 2024