The 8th World Congress of WFOT - the international federation of ozone therapy - is approaching
The 8th World Congress of WFOT - the international federation of ozone therapy - is approaching, of which the Bulgarian Association of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy /BAOOT/ has been a full member since 2023. The Ozone Therapy World Congress will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil in August 29-31, 2024 at the World Trade Center of the metropolis. It is the world's largest ozone treatment event, bringing together ozone therapists from the fields of medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and cosmetology. It will be attended by world leaders in ozone therapy from around the world. Bulgaria will be represented by the chairman of BAOOT Dr. Krasimir Zhelev and by Dr. Georgi Petreshkovski from the Management Board of the Association. This is the second world forum of such a scale in which Bulgaria takes an official part. The World Federation of Ozone Therapy elects a new president of WFOT every 2 years from among the presidents of all national associations of the member countries. This year, among the voted candidates for the president of the World Ozone Federation, the name of Bulgaria was included for the first time in the person of the chairman of BAKOT. Dr. Zhelev is also invited to give a presentation at the forum. All news from the event will be reported at the annual general meeting of the Bulgarian Association, to which all member ozone therapists are invited. At the BAOOT meeting, Dr. Zhelev and Dr. Petreshkovski are expected to give presentations on innovations in ozone treatment after the world congress. An editorial form with additions and corrections of the Bulgarian Consensus on Ozone Therapy will be presented to the meeting for voting. Expect to receive the Consensus Correction Format for preliminary consideration before a vote at the meeting. The meeting is expected to be convened in the fall of 2024, soon after the World Ozone Therapy Congress in Brazil, so keep an eye on the website and your emails.